Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Anti-ObamaCare Blowout Rally, St. Charles, MO

Kill the bill. And God Bless America. Gateway Pundit.

More. Charles Kesler, The Claremont Institute, "The Tea Party Spirit":

But it isn't the "reform" part of the Democrats' health care bill (if they ever agree on one) that strikes me as most perverse. It's calling this voluminous monstrosity a bill. Can you have a bill, a single law, that is almost 3,000 pages long? In the old days, that would have constituted a whole code of laws. When our founders thought about law, they often thought along the lines of John Locke, who described law as a community's "settled standing rules, indifferent, and the same to all parties," emphasizing that to be legitimate a statute must be "received and allowed by common consent to be the standard of right and wrong, and the common measure to decide all controversies" between citizens.

This phonebook-sized law that would control a sixth of the U.S. economy cannot be a law by that definition. [snip]

Faster than one might think, a government of equal laws turns into a regime of arbitrary privileges.

More. Why Vote? Just ‘Deem’

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