Saturday, March 06, 2010

Bracing for Spring Flooding

Salesmen in Fargo are hawking products with names like the Muscle Wall and the Sandbagging Buddy. Emergency workers in Keokuk, Iowa, are planning to barricade the water treatment plant with limestone boulders. The farmers' cooperative in Quincy, Ill., is moving grain inland to keep it dry.

Spring could bring disastrous flooding again to the Upper Midwest, government forecasters are warning. And folks along the Red, the Mississippi and the Missouri rivers are taking precautions, especially after calamities last year and the year before.

"This is like having a two-month warning that a tornado is going to hit your house," said Richard Thomas, who lives near Fargo.

Well, we're downstream and east here, but we'll have our own runoff, hopefully not too severe. Out thoughts are with those on the Big Muddy, the Mighty Mississip, and the Red that flows north.

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