Sent in by someone I know:)
Chicago News Bench is also there apparently. Here's his earlier post.
...This is Barack Obama's political stomping ground. He chose to live here for that reason.
...Final thought. You know, aside from his posturing in the campaign, on Afghanistan as the "good war", so he wouldn't come across as a total pacifist, I think he's sympathetic over there to his old friends in Pakistan. That's why we are still in that area of the world.
But if we hadn't already been committed, he wouldn't have lifted a finger. Old friends (ranking over America's allies and even some of our own people) notwithstanding.
sorry, just spit out my coffee !
can we protest protestors?
jes sayin'
you might like this if you haven't seen it: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6243624912447824934#
These loonies live sad and tiresome lives.
Especially good "Final thought." Of course! Light bulbs turning on (incandescently). His old Pakistani buddy that used to buy him nice clothes and dinners at Occidental College! And whoever he visited in Pakistan using that passport of whatever country.
Pakistan, I noticed, just stuck out their palms for more U.S. money.
I also notice that they're still burning Christians over there, not that it might be a human rights issue or anything.
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