Saturday, March 20, 2010


What's going on?! Major DC developments. Potluck updates. In St. Louis they are throwing shoes at effigies. Demon pass dead.

More: Kill the Bill Rally. You can follow on twitter.#killthebill

...And the president is giving another speech? God help us. I hope this means he doesn't have the votes.

...This president is not a profile in courage.

...This is creepy. This reminds me of the PRC "rehabilitating" public sessions.
kathrynlopez if i were in a tough district and o just called me out i'd rethink voting for the damn bill.
MelissaTweets RT @ConservNewMedia: RT @mikemadden: Tea partiers outside House chamber are singing, "Na na, hey hey, goodbye" at Congress. #hcr #tcot

DonnyFerguson Obama's health care plan will do for American medicine what Mugabe's land reform plan did for Zimbabwean agriculture. #killthebill #gop

mnbodden RT @GaltsGirl: Look outside Obama! Better yet, WALK outside! THOSE are AMERICANS! #tcot #tlot #codered #killthebill #handsoff #teaparty #freedom #liberty

SissyWillis BUSH'S FAULT! RT @TheAnchoress: @HowardKurtz have our oratory standards slipped so low? I guess so. Damn that Bush.
johnhawkinsrwn "They're still short on votes. There's still time and they still need votes." -- Rep. Dan Lipinksi (D-Ill.) #hcr

JackieSeal RT @BrentTeichman: Fox News Opinion Dynamics Poll: 68% of Americans would vote out ALL incumbents right now. #hcr #tcot #sgp

DLoesch . @reppaulryan hits it out of the park with this answer: 7:50 - end clock.
RepMikePence: Fed govtwill run up $1.5 T deficit this yr—11x the10-year "savings" Dems claim are in the bill

Win or Lose [Ramesh Ponnuru]

I hope pro-lifers understand the special importance of defeating the ex-pro-lifers who will have voted for the bill.

03/20 04:47 PM
standinthegap Rick Santorum: There will be 400K more abortions per yr b/c of #hcr bill #tcot RT @ConservNewMedia <= God help us! #sgp #palin12 #ocra PRAY!

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