Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Decision Time, Melissa Bean

This is a pretty funny video. How typical of the OFA bots. (As usual, Dems were bussed in--who knows if they even live in the district?) Tea Partiers came to Dem Rep. Melissa Bean's office in Schaumberg to urge her to vote no on the Death March health "care" bill.

You have the tea partiers shouting out Kill the bill. A senior with some common sense (video).Let's start over with a true bipartisan bill. Everyone agrees on covering people with preexisting conditions. Shopping across state lines, tort reform would make a huge difference in lowering the cost--that's what we need.

OFA has a few people with bull horns to try to drown out the tea party crowd. The guy with the bullhorn shouts lamely, "fulfill the bill".

Melissa Bean, let's be clear. If you vote for this bill you can not claim to be a moderate. You can not claim to be a fiscal conservative. You can not even claim to be a clean and honest politician.

You will ruin your reputation beyond repair. You will be a pariah among any thoughtful person who cares about the future of our children and our country.

HT Chicago News Bench, who has more links. --photos sent in by an activist reader of the blog:)

Previous posts: Meli$$a Bean'$ Co$tly $cheme, Melissa Bean Meets Constituents in Noisy Grocery Store, Melissa Bean Still Clutching Dirty Rangel $$$

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