Tuesday, March 16, 2010

OFA Targeting Kirk

The Dems Death to America march continues. Pretty silly, since he's a no and they know it. But as El Rushbo and everyone else are melting the phones today good luck getting through you demagoguing and crooked Dems.
Tom --

In 2008, voters in Illinois's 10th congressional district voted to send President Obama to Washington to fight for change -- including for desperately needed health insurance reform. They expected Republican Representative Mark Kirk to reach across the aisle to be a partner for change.

Unfortunately, last fall Rep. Kirk opposed reform and voted to let insurance companies continue jacking up premiums and denying care to sick people. But it's not too late for him to change his mind and put average Americans and the middle class ahead of corporate and special interests.

The next make-or-break vote on reform is just a few days away, it's expected to be extremely close, and Rep. Kirk could be critical. So for Day 7 of the Final March for Reform, our plan is to reach out to voters in his district and ask them to call their representative to speak out for reform.

Using our easy online tool, we'll give you a list of friendly voters and tips on what to say. If we can help even a few of these folks call Rep. Kirk's office it could make a huge difference -- so please take a few minutes and get started now.
I am getting sick of this stupid stuff. Let's recall:

Durbin Can't Sustain the Lying Dem Hackery

Video of Durbin on the Senate floor this morning. NRCC:


If you think insurance companies are the bad guys denying care what will you think when the government does it, hmm? And what recourse will you have?

How profitable are the eeeeeevil insurance companies anyway?

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