Sunday, March 21, 2010

We shall fight...

Democrats worried about GOP motion to recommit on Stupak language

We shall fight.

More.Video. Pence to Stupak: You traded 30 years of pro-life law for a promise from the most pro-abortion president in history

mkhammer RT @HuffPolitics: RT @nicopitney: AFL-CIO leader working halls, pressing Dem 'no' votes til last minute (with photo)

kathrynlopez if the dems are calling in big guns at the last minute to work the halls, bart stupak could have and should have held out.
More. Yes, the fight goes on.

More. Silver linings.

And this--
examinerpolitic The Stupak five seem to make the difference
He could have won on the principle of protecting the unborn. But caved to his party.

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