Wednesday, April 21, 2010

That Bully Schakowsky

So that bully, Rep. Jan Schakowsky, who called peaceful Tea Party protesters shameful and despicable last year, who sat silently while 9/11 truthers trashed Israel, recently made her way to a Skokie school to piously propagandize about child labor. As for the article quoting Amnesty International, they have been discredited, siding with jihadists. And any sensible person knows the UN is useless and provides political cover for dictators.

I remember not so long ago how concerned she was about another cause, but did absolutely nothing useful. Tears of Darfur still today.

So maybe, Jan, you could do a little reading: Phoebe and Neda: Bullying From South Hadley to Iran

P.S. An alternative to her. Dennis Byrne

Related post: Pollak Tea Party Positive

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