Friday, April 23, 2010

Everyone Draw Mohammed Day

HotAir push back on the South Park fiasco. Support Hirsi Ali. Latest video here.

Enough is enough. Expect stick figures from me. Too provocative?

This has been going on too long. Too long.

...I don't watch South Park, I am not into blasphemy, but this important. I believe in religion in the public square, and respect for religion--but not at the point of a sword.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali's website:
In response to ongoing abuses of women's rights in the name of fundamentalist Islam, Ayaan Hirsi Ali and her supporters established the AHA Foundation in 2007 to help protect and defend the rights of women in the West against militant Islam.
...14 April 2010: A Chicago man has killed his wife, his son and two nieces: the wife's sister and a neighbor said the man had fought with his wife in recent days because she refused to wear Muslim garb and refused to adhere to Islam. MORE >

Related: Via Potluck, Bread Upon the Waters: Bloggers Win Legal Battle to Help Refugees from Islam


A.W. said...

hey i am having my own blog dedicated to the movement, here:

Dan said... is holding a contest for the best mohammed drawing.