Thank you again, Rick Santelli!
These guys, one an army veteran, came up from the South Side, loading their bikes on the train.

His buttons say Open the Books, and Right Wing Radicals, with pictures of the Founders.

So many great signs

A Sox fan, giving
our President Barack Obama some tips:

Close up of the sign:

Some young tea partiers along for the ride.

Some hardy seniors

With good taste

Some government employees looking out at the crowd below

Remembering those who serve

A worried grandparent

Clear as a bell

Not a Waxman fan

There were some plants we identified

I especially like this sign

And this one

A friendly gathering

Wonder Woman, Uncle Sam, and the Picasso

Sending a message

Cook County Candidate John Arrington

Dr. Arie Friedman, pediatrician

Young ones in the crowd
Are you listening Melissa Bean?
Are you listening Congress? Mr. President?

Chicago Tax Day Tea Party 2010.
Earlier post here, with videos, in case you missed it.
great great... loving that Chicagoans are protesting - as they should!
Are Chicago and Illinois sick of the corruption in politics yet?
hope so... :)
We'll work at it!
Thanks Lisa
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