Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Organized Labor with Identical Signs Rallies for Tax Hikes

In Springfield, Illinois. Naturally. I guess they're really diverse at this one--looks like two kinds of signs. [In contrast, Chicago TaxDayTeaParty] Yes, they were bused in. Not all the way from California, though. The public union bankruptcy model for Illinois. Our Illinois product, Barack Obama, was in Hollywood the other day, getting some pushback from at least one disillusioned local:
While I appreciate any shout-out to my home state, what California's Democratic elite are "about" is enabling their union backers to drive a once-thriving economy into a bottomless pit of unemployment, perennially busted budgets, and unfunded pension contributions that transcend most human comprehension. This is not a spirit Washington should try to "recapture," unless the goal is 12.6 percent unemployment (with a bullet!), a credit rating hurtling toward junk-bond status, and a perpetual round of bailouts from a faraway government entity.
The Illinois Policy Institute response:
Today, up to 15,000 government workers from the IEA, IFT, AFSCME, and SEIU unions are expected to rally at the Illinois statehouse on Wednesday to urge the legislature in favor of a 33% income tax hike.

Do they speak for you?
What are you going to do about it?
How will you respond?

Want to make your voice heard? Join us for our Liberty Leaders Capitol Day on May 5. It’s an opportunity to show legislators that we can balance the state budget without tax hikes that target struggling taxpayers, hurt our state’s business climate, and hamper job creation. You can read more details in our Budget Solutions 2011 report
And volunteer for the Brady for Illinois campaign.

In related news, SEIU goons are charged for the beating of a Gadsden flag vendor at the Carnahan town hall last summer. Those responsible for the beating have been folded into the Illinois SEIU. Supposedly they were cashed out. No news on whether they showed up at the Springfield rally as "volunteers".

P.S. Pix of them sitting on their butts in blue at Jammie Wearing Fool.

...I wonder how much it cost school districts to arrange for substitute teachers for some of these people. Many others were probably not missed at all.

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