Schoenfeld cites Geoffrey Stone's Perilous Times: Free Speech in Wartime from the Sedition Act of 1798 to the War on Terrorism as a prime purveyor of the standard legal history that he now seeks to revise. Stone is the Edward H. Levi Distinguished Service Professor at the University of Chicago Law School. Like Risen and Lichtblau, Stone has received numerous national awards for his work, including the Robert F. Kennedy Book Award for 2005, the Los Angeles Times Book Prize for 2004 as the best book in the field of history, the American Political Science Association's Kammerer Award for 2005 for the best book in Political Science, the Hefner Award for the best book on the First Amendment [Ed.: !]., and Harvard University's 2005 Goldsmith Award for the best book in the field of Public Affairs.
Schoenfeld notes that Stone's book has been hailed as "a masterpiece of constitutional history" by no less a figure than Elena Kagan. "Yet this 'comprehensive' tome," Schoenfeld writes, "fails even to mention episodes that cut against its thesis, such as the so-called Black Chamber affair in the 1930s, the nearly catastrophic Chicago Tribune leaks during World War II, and an array of cases from Marchetti to Snepp in which the federal government has gone to court, successfully, to rein in the printing presses to protect national security secrecy in times of both war and peace."
Read the whole thing.
Here's another disturbing sometime U of C professor, Cass Sunstein, with his dulcet dictatorial tones on taking away our freedoms. Because liberals always know best, whether it's delivering us to our enemies or considering those of us who aren't in agreement the enemy.
But at the end of the day, we conservatives can defend ourselves. We know how to really fight, when it matters. And we will defend liberals too, to our great cost in more lives lost.
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