Saturday, May 01, 2010

In case you haven't been creeped out enough tonight

wlsam890 RT @ABC: NYC's Times Square Evacuated in Bomb Scare

JTTF on scene in Times Square - license plates on vehicle, a Nissan, reportedly belong to a Ford, explosives & timing device found inside

DanRiehl Police are blocking off even more streets.Looks like it could be even bigger than originally thought. @Cubachi

Doug Welch stix1972 RT @steveegg: RT @wsuconservative: Times Square attempted bombing looking lk the work of jihadists #religionofpeace | I'm fucking shocked,

RichLowry evan kohlmann on MS sez make-up of bomb similar to that of failed AQ car bombs in london

More. Fuel bomb. HotAir, this is key:
Remember that London bombing plot three years ago, in which jihadis tried — and failed — to set off a bunch of car bombs around the city
Holy crap,, from the London attempt:

The car bombs were similar to highly destructive explosives used in Iraq and could have killed hundreds of people, U.S. and British officials told NBC News. British officials warned that the country was facing a “serious and sustained” terrorist threat…

Authorities believe [the first car] was intended to be set off by remote control by a cell phone found inside. The cell phone had received at least two calls, which should have detonated several gallons of gasoline, but when the calls came in, the bomb failed to go off, the official said.

Had it done so, that blast then would have ignited six to eight tanks of propane in a mist to make a fuel-air explosion, creating a fireball the size of a small house and propelling 18 to 20 boxes of roofing nails around a large area at bullet speed, counterterrorism officials said.

marcambinder Listen to the NYPD Special Operations Division radio. These guys are the best in the biz.

marcambinder New York Daily News has new details of how the incident started.

Heroic cops stopped a car bomb from blowing up in the heart of Times Square Saturday night, officials told the Daily News.

Two female cops patrolling the area noticed a man fumbling with something in the back of a Nissan SUV parked on the southwest corner of 45th St. and Broadway about 7 p.m. The man saw the officers looking and took off running.

God Bless our folks. God bless.


If this bomb is triggered via cell phone, and there were two calls, then folks, we were just plain lucky. This was a failed attempt, not a foiled attempt.

Given the incompetent we have at the helm, we must be vigilant at local levels, because no help is coming from the Socialist in Chief.

skeeter on May 2, 2010 at 12:17 AM


“My Pet Goat” Moment!!!!elventy!!! “My Pet Goat” Moment!!!!elventy!!! /snark off

per Greg Pollowitz on twitter:
On Saturday 1st May 2010, @gpollowitz said:

After reviewing CSPAN tapes it appears The President was told twice about NYT car bomb, 9:33 and 9:43 EST. /via @mpoppel

Branch Rickey on May 2, 2010 at 12:33 AM


the location of the bomb (edge of 45th street) was right by the MTV building…

which owns Comedy Central…

which owns South Park…

which ran a cartoon about MOHAMMED LAST WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

battleoflepanto1571 on May 2, 2010 at 12:36 AM

Oh wait! Almost forgot about the coveted Black Panthers Obama and Holder *heart* so much. Maybe it was them. Yah…

By God, let’s have that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed trial right in the middle of Manhattan eh ERIC?

Where the hell are the trolls tonight???

katy on May 2, 2010 at 12:37 AM

After reviewing CSPAN tapes it appears The President was told twice about NYT car bomb, 9:33 and 9:43 EST. /via @mpoppel

Branch Rickey on May 2, 2010 at 12:33 AM

Man, Barry is gonna be pissed, no Golf, having to go down to the gulf instead and now someone has the nerve to try a car bomb in times square which will take all the headlines away from Nerdprom and how awesome and loved he is.

Daveyardbird on May 2, 2010 at 12:40 AM

Mayor Bloomberg and Police Commissioner Kelly are on their way back to Washington. They’ll be in Times Square for a press conference within the next hour.

This after Marc Ambinder reported Bloomberg’s staff was having trouble getting communications within the Hilton’s ballroom (in Washington).

As Greg Pollowitz says, how Churchillian.

amerpundit on May 2, 2010 at 12:41 AM

So I guess, per Obama’s usual routine, he’ll wait a week before making a statement, which will tell us not to jump to conclusions.

El_Terrible on May 2, 2010 at 12:40 AM

El_Terrible: Yup,FACTS!!

canopfor on May 2, 2010 at 12:43 AM

DanRiehl you know, this couldnt have happened without SUV's!! Let's blame the car!

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