Monday, June 14, 2010

Who has better hair? Part Two

The first time is not the last time. This time it's on tape. Between the brothers. Rob and Rod. Milorad.

But to get to the meat: Blagojevich to Children's hospital: "Screw these guys."


Sun Times take on the hair. And haircut.

Tapes may be released sooner.

This stuff sounds bad to me, dancing around quid pro quo. This makes me mad too. Subsidies:

Monk, as the Johnstons' lobbyist, wanted the bill signed sooner. Every day the bill went unsigned, he said, his clients lost $9,000 in subsidies.

But who knows.

It may come down to the hair for the jury.


Quite Rightly said...

Off topic (sort of)--but did you see this?

What could be worse?

Anne said...

I assume you're talking about the Ayers Sheehan appearance in Evanston. Yes, thanks, I posted about it after a heads up from Evanston Republicans. Yes, there are some.

As I am out of town, hopefully they will get some footage:)