Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Blago emerges as national campaign symbol

Can you just see the morph pix? His trial may not be until 2011 so the Dems will have Blago to kick around, uh, Blago can kick around the Dems:)

Happy to oblige. Dem skunks.

...and then there's Joe the Biden.


Look at the bright side, I’m sure the janitorial closet is named after Joe Biden. On Friday night, the school’s football team is scheduled to take on the Straw Men . . .

I can’t begrudge a community that was probably thrilled about the election of Obama naming a school after him, but it’s probably wiser policy to wait until a lawmaker leaves office before naming something after him. I hope no poor Illinois teens have to admit they attend Rod Blagojevich High School.


Despite the ominous forecast, there are some glimmers of hope. Miekka doesn’t expect to sit on the sidelines for very long. In fact, Miekka, who is an avid target shooter despite being blind, is looking at put volumes and various moving averages that will offer clues of when he will start buying again.

“With what we have now, I think it’s possible we could get a 20% decline going into the fall,” Miekka said. “But I would expect some type of selloff and be buying at a lower price.”

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