Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The One's Vacation Situation

Breaking News: President Obama Says "I'm Having a Great Time" On Vacation

Dinner with Eric Whitaker and Valerie Jarrett, and the former Clinton fixer, Vernon Jordan.

Kenworth said she’d been asked not to talk about what the Obamas ordered, but “the whole table got lobster tempura with island corn succotash and lemon vinaigrette” in addition to their individual entrees.

Fisherman flotilla to protest Thursday.

Just let him order his shrimp

Puff piece at Huffpo. Take the poll. (!) (Hedging their bets?)

Losing Letterman?

(Yes, of course Michelle will campaign in the fall


Unknown said...

Who dresses her? They should be fired for total incompetence.

Anne said...

Yeah, I think so too. But maybe she doesn't listen to them.

I like her colors and it makes sense for her to wear less stuffy things--she's younger and has kids, but her clothes are too busy, too baggy or too tight so often.

Oh well. She didn't ask to be in the public eye.