Friday, November 12, 2010

ObamaCare Toxic for Doctors

Dr. Drew Predicts ObamaCare Disaster: ‘You’ll See a Massive Flight of Physicians from the Field and Hospital Closures’ (Video)

And Illinois is already worse off now. Sun Times: Study: Malpractice laws chasing docs from Illinois.

Half of recent med school graduates or fellows trained here.

This has been going on for years--I first noticed it with women OB/GYN practitioners who were more likely to want to work part-time--but couldn't afford the malpractice insurance in this judicial hellhole of a state, so retired or switched jobs from active practice.

More. Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty ups the ante, challenging ObamaCare on behalf of his own state health care approach. ObamaCare would saddle states with huge expanded costs on Medicaid.

And: Health Care Law Hurts the Most Vulnerable - Mona Charen, NRO:
Yet among the many new taxes Obamacare will impose is one that hits wounded veterans and sick children especially hard -- the 2.3 percent annual tax on medical device manufacturers set to begin in 2013.
The only hope is repeal.

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