Thursday, April 21, 2011

Challenging the Latest Leftist Idiocy on Display

Lawrence O’Donnell: Donald Trump Is A ‘Very Dangerous Man Who Must Be Stopped’ Grammar

Fineman: Obama Will Be Hard To Beat After Dramatic Deal Making Nuance. Hmm. I thought according to the legacy media he was No Drama Obama. Changing the definition of leadership.

We've seen his mask slip, though. Not dramatic but nasty and petulant.
This self-referencing, snappish tone tracks with the president's "open mic" comments last week at a Chicago fund-raiser. Dismissing the GOP as "nickel and diming" him on budget negotiations, he asked, "You think we're stupid?" White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said the president wasn't embarrassed. But he should be. Not because his comments were caught, but because suddenly he's sounding more like Travis Bickle ("You talkin' to me?") than the president of the United States.
When they can they bury the truth, but when they can't leftists and the legacy media are laughable in their contortions.

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