Friday, May 06, 2011

Ahmadinejad allies charged with sorcery

Another bizarre story from Iran, where power struggles are a matter of degree--who has the most clout with the supernatural and gets to define faith for political advantage. The Guardian:

But the feud has taken a metaphysical turn following the release of an Iranian documentary alleging the imminent return of the Hidden Imam Mahdi – the revered saviour of Shia Islam, whose reappearance is anticipated by believers in a manner comparable to that with which Christian fundamentalists anticipate the second coming of Jesus.

Conservative clerics, who say that the Mahdi's return cannot be predicted, have accused a "deviant current" within the president's inner circle, including Mashaei, of being responsible for the film.

Ahmadinejad's obsession with the hidden imam is well known. He often refers to him in his speeches and in 2009 said that he had documentary evidence that the US was trying to prevent Mahdi's return.

Some insight into the larger struggle. Michael Walsh, NRO:
My New York Post column today takes a look back at how Kitchener handled the forces of the Mahdi after Gordon’s death at Khartoum, and compares it with the recent killing of Osama bin Laden. My thesis is that, historically, jihadist movements have faltered and collapsed in the face of overwhelming defeats:
The death of Osama bin Laden — another charismatic who preached death to the infidels — may have a similar disheartening effect — especially if followed by the relentless and, if necessary, brutal use of targeted force against Islamic terrorism.
Is Iran pulling back from spreading terror, menacing the world and toppling us into a nuclear abyss? Is Ahmadinejad's Death to Israel, Death to America rant done for?

Let's keep up the brutal use of targeted force against Islamic terrorism, wherever it raises its ugly head.

If it's a religion of peace, now would be a good time to prove it. (!)

That means leadership from Iran, the state sponsor of terror for over 30 years, in denouncing murderous jihad. Good luck with that...
When Larry was arrested a short time later, he said to police that Allah told him to kill his family, according to court records. A police report quoted him as saying: "I wish I had more bullets. I wish I had more bullets."

Linn remarked in court that, based on the accounts of the defendant's erratic behavior, he expected to see some evidence of underlying psychiatric issues. But in the end, he said, "there were none."
More. Charles Krauthammer: The War Continues
Chicago Tribune: Trial to test Chicago's terror ties

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