Friday, July 29, 2011

In search of a hero sandwich

The president has been laying low, what no speech a day. The nation is looking for a good hero, or heroine, or enough votes to get us through another debt-filled day, or week, month or year. Maybe a sandwich.

Having trouble with the math last night on the votes and the cuts.

What's up for this weekend? Baking cookies and cowboys and aliens.

They're playing Rawhide on Squawk Box.

Steny Hoyer is on saying he saw all this coming as he and the president sat around the table in April. Oh, yeah, wasn't that when the president pretty much smashed Paul Ryan in the face?

Another vote coming up by the GOP today. They're trying.

More. Mark Steyn on indies' moral narcissism and O. Q2 growth or lack of numbers coming out soon...GDP up 1.3, according to SAntelli headline number deplorably weak (real GDP .4% in Q1 revised downward)...oh yeah, less than expected

P.S. Confirmation--Obama had a secret plan. And strategery from the good Professor J.

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