Sunday, January 29, 2006

Republican Leadership Reform II

John Shadegg for Majority Leader!

From Instapundit:

Shadegg is the only one who seems like a plausible agent for reform, and it's going to be hard to persuade people who would like to see the GOP get back to its small-government, clean-Congress 1994 roots that there's any chance of that if they choose a business-as-usual Majority Leader.

From NZ Bear of The Truth Laid Bear:

I don't warm to politicans all that easily. But Shadegg, with a 97% rating from Citizen's Against Government Waste on pork issues, impressed me with his anti-pork credentials.


Anonymous said...

The problem with Shadegg is that he will most likely not have the votes to win the election, but may take enough away from Boehner to put Blunt over the top. Blunt is the worst choice and Boehner has never, ever put in an earmark during his time in Congress.

Anne said...

I see your point Diane, but I think Shadegg has a chance. He is a really strong fiscal conservative. I will leave the vote jockeying up to the house Republicans. I think there may be an unofficial block Blunt coalition.