Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Communists for Profit$$$$

Great video from blogger Andrew Marcus of the World Can't Wait demonstration, with some wonderful, unintentionally (what else, this the left) hilarious interviews. Here's the link.

Also comment on Andrew's video from Power Line, Among the Moonbats.

Marcus thinks one of the main objectives of the communist front group was fundraising. One 60 something lady in the video is making signs, says she is selling, ummm asking for donations for signs. She's had donations for about 100, hoped to have donations for a thousand, which hadn't yet materialized. This coincides with the observations of our Intrepid Correspondent:
Ranging throughout the crowd were a pathetic assortment of people with fanny packs handing out flyers full of breathless socialist propaganda and crying out "Donations! Donations!". You'd figure the literature would be free, these are socialists right? However, they come with a fee, and not just any fee: five U$A (United States of AmeriKKKa) dollars! All the more reason that they need to immediately seize the means of production, I suppose. However, if these Communists had any knowledge of economics, they'd probably realize they'll have to pay me to read that crap. And it had better be a living wage, too.

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