Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Hillary in a State

Hillary at the State of the Union address made inappropriate faces, once again. The woman has no sense of humor (grimacing or falling asleep the last few times, as I recall).

One of the many reasons I liked President Reagan was his self-deprecating sense of humor. I think it reveals a certain self-knowledge and maturity, especially valuable in a politician. Bush cracks jokes about himself all the time, but is composed and serious when he needs to be.


Very sophomoric behavior. I think a bland face is best when you're listening to someone else's speech, if you don't agree with it.

Power Line has an excellent summary of the President's speech, and also noticed her flatfootedness:
The most interesting audience shots, I thought, were of Hillary Clinton, and she didn't come across well. In fact, the phrase "tone deaf" comes to mind. She was completely stone-faced when Bush made his friendly joke about his father's two favorite people (Bill Clinton and "W" himself) turning 60. I would have thought she'd want to be in on a joke about successive presidents from two families. On the other hand, she smiled rapturously when Bush noted the failure of social security reform, and grinned dismissively while shaking her head slightly when Bush, at the conclusion of his discussion of the NSA intercept program, said "we will not sit back and wait to be hit again." In sum, Hillary looked anything but presidential.

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