Thursday, February 02, 2006

NIMBY to Nukes

Liberals are worried about nuclear power.

I am worried about nuclear bombs.

Liberals are worried about transporting nuclear waste to Yucca mountain. Not along my highways.


I am worried about nuclear waste coming to town, or just a nuke.

Hey, I say, NIMBY too, but I would say the probability of a terrorist dirty bomb going off in a truck on one of our highways or in one of our cities is much higher than that of Yucca mountain melting down.

Can't you liberals VISUALIZE this?

You don't think it could happen. But what would you do, if you were president?

Just hope you're wrong?

If you are Israel, you have no room for error. You are in the neighborhood, and Iran has you in its sights.

Thank God we have a president with the guts to do what is necessary and right.

When even Reuters is writing about this without sneers, you know things are serious:

"I am concerned about a person that, one, tries to rewrite the history of the Holocaust, and two, has made it clear that his intentions are to destroy Israel," Bush said.

"Israel is a solid ally of the United States, we will rise to Israel's defense if need be. So this kind of menacing talk is disturbing. It's not only disturbing to the United States, it's disturbing for other countries in the world as well," he added.

Asked if he meant the United States would rise to Israel's defense militarily, Bush said: "You bet, we'll defend Israel."

Ok, Ok, I take it back, they use sneer quotes here:
Iran rejects accusations it is trying to build a nuclear bomb and says it will not give up its right to nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.

Bush said on Tuesday in his State of the Union speech that Iran is being "held hostage" by clerical leaders who repress their people.

Asked in the interview if he was calling for Iranians to rise up and overthrow the ruling government, Bush said: "Not at all. What I am saying is that ... the United States is very aware of their conditions and we recognize that liberty is universal and that we hope some day they will be in a position to have a democracy based upon Iranian customs and Iranian traditions."
Iran was the first, at least visible, state sponsor of terror back when they took over our embassy and held hostages in the infamous Carter administration. One of the ringleaders was their current leader, President Ahmadinejad.

It is here. Terrorists going nuclear. From Mansoor Ijaz:
Fingerprint-less terrorism as a state policy tool will not be easy to uncover or to combat. Imagine for a moment that a state seeking to redress strategic imbalances in the quantifiable military threats it faces from larger powers decides to train a new battery of terror masters. They move as businessmen and women, as mothers with families, as low-level functionaries in embassies — in short, as people not worthy of intelligence monitoring by the West's traditional antiterror infrastructure.
Maybe you think this is alarmist, and that there are not that many people willing to do this kind of thing, but as we know to our cost on Sept. 11th, it only took a few. Ijaz goes on to examine the evidence of a "New Class of Global Warfare":
A closer look at the calendar of events immediately preceding terrorist acts and Muslim unrest in Western countries over the past seven months offers provocative clues about Iran's cunning in defining this new class of warfare on a global scale. The London transport bombings, the New Delhi terrorist attacks, and Muslim civil unrest that brought France to a halt for 20 nights were all executed at a time soon after each country had exerted significant pressure on Tehran to give up its nuclear ambitions.
And he predicts:
If the pattern that emerges from the calendar analysis above is accurate, an attack against Germany, the only member of the EU-3 negotiating with Iran for an amicable settlement that has not suffered Islamist violence, cannot be far off.
On Saturday, Germany's interior minister, Wolfgang Schaeuble, validated the concern expressed herein about the nexus between state sponsors of terror and their execution squads when he said, "The question is probably no longer whether there'll be an attack with a dirty [radiological] bomb; the question is when and where it's going to happen." He went on to cite the victory of Hamas in the Palestinian elections with support from Iran's nuclear-toting clerics as the type of nexus the West would have to deal with in the future to insure its security.
And the concern is even on the radar of gray-hair US media.From CBS News, "Nuke Tests in Iran?":
Experiments with high explosives, possibly linked to future nuclear weapons tests, were carried out as recently as 2003 in Iran, sources tell CBS News.
The final note:
Iran insists its nuclear program is designed for electricity generation. But on Tuesday, the IAEA said that Iran had turned over to it documents and drawings it obtained on the black market that could serve no other purpose than production of an atomic warhead.
Let's all chant NIMBY together. Maybe that will work.

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