Friday, March 10, 2006

Horowitz in Defense of Academic Freedom

David Horowitz, FrontPage Magazine, recently spoke at Duke in defense of student academic freedom. His current book, "The Professors: The 101 Most Dangerous Academics in America", includes two Duke professors, though not these two (obviously Duke has some depth in this area) who after failing to organize a "strip" protest, orchestrated synchronized giggling. Further evidence of dubious academic judgement in "Red-Faced at Duke", featuring Diane Nelson, Director of Undergraduate Studies. (This is her official picture)

Last year, both Olcott and Nelson signed a letter supporting Ward Churchill, who had incited a nationwide outrage by calling the victims of 9/11 "little Eichmanns" and saying that Americans deserved the attack. The statement asserts the act of university officials examining Churchill’s “scholarly” body of work for “supposed evidence of ‘fraud’” is “intolerable and must be reversed – immediately.” If officials continued investigating whether Churchill lied about being an Indian and committed plagiarism, “the consequences for American society as a whole will be nothing short of disastrous.”

Horowitz was invited to speak at Duke by Students for Academic Freedom, who turned out in large numbers.

On Wed., March 29th, David Horowitz will be in Chicago to debate Prof. Peter Kerstein of St. Xavier University, who is in the book. Professor Kerstein is infamous for a post Sept. 11th emailed rant personally attacking an Air Force cadet and calling him a baby killer. See WSJ.

Cost of tuition at Duke this year $32,410.

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