Monday, May 22, 2006

Map Quest Denied

A generous citizen and skilled mapmaker wanted to donate beautifully detailed maps of Chicago's neighborhoods to the Chicago Public Schools. He had given them to the Fire Dept. and the Police Dept. who were delighted. A former Air Force pilot, Devane believes a start in map-reading, which he calls "meography" will encourage children to read maps about places all over the world. Dawn Turner Trice column today:
So why is CPS so ticked off about Devane distributing the free maps? Officials say that he didn't follow protocol. Yep, he was supposed to contact the chief of purchasing, not the chief of instruction--even though he wasn't selling anything.

CPS also said he continued to try corresponding with principals and area instruction officers when they told him not to, which is why the cease-and-desist letter was sent.
That's right, this donor was sent a letter full of legal jargon because process always comes before learning in the CPS.

Guess he needed a different kind of map to negotiate the bureaucratic labyrinth and the mindless mindset of the CPS bureaucracy--but too often leads to a dead end.

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