Thursday, June 08, 2006

Star Circuit

More from the RCP blog on RFK Jr.'s latest bid for attention:
A reader emails to suggest RFK's real motive for reviving the "we wuz robbed in Ohio" meme: to smear Ken Blackwell, the Republican candidate for Governor.
Sounds very plausible.

It makes me think that's why Sen. Dick Durbin has been encouraging talk of Obama for President in 2008 (beyond the problem Durbin must think Hillary has winning). I suppose it is a way to position him as Vice Presidential material, but I think the Democrats are afraid he will be old news, tarnished goods sooner rather than later. Senate votes are harder to defend with not as much to show for them, especially when you are in the minority. Governors are much more likely to become President than Senators.

The Dems sent Obama to Ohio last weekend to try to match Blackwell.

But apparently Obama thinks his real competition is Stephen Colbert.

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