Monday, August 07, 2006

Country Club Democrats

It's not the Republicans anymore, it's the Democrats, the elitist, anti-war country club Democrats. Marty Peretz, WSJ, via RCP:
Now Mr. Lamont's views are also not camouflaged. They are just simpleminded. Here, for instance, is his take on what should be done about Iran's nuclear-weapons venture: "We should work diplomatically and aggressively to give them reasons why they don't need to build a bomb, to give them incentives. We have to engage in very aggressive diplomacy. I'd like to bring in allies when we can. I'd like to use carrots as well as sticks to see if we can change the nature of the debate." Oh, I see. He thinks the problem is that they do not understand, and so we should explain things to them, and then they will do the right thing. It is a fortunate world that Mr. Lamont lives in, but it is not the real one. Anyway, this sort of plying is precisely what has been going on for years, and to no good effect. Mr. Lamont continues that "Lieberman is the one who keeps talking about keeping the military option on the table." And what is so plainly wrong with that? Would Mahmoud Ahmadinejad be more agreeable if he thought that we had disposed of the military option in favor of more country club behavior?
Let's check on the latest statements of the leader of Iran, the Terror State. Here's the Washington Post, hardly a conservative rag, "No Time to Delay on Iran's (nuclear) Threat:
This is a very real and serious problem because Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has already stated his goal of wiping Israel off the map and has also said, "God willing, with the force of God behind it, we shall soon experience a world without the United States."
Oh, and a cursory scan of Iran Focus reveals this story from the Times of London:
IRAN is seeking to import large consignments of bomb-making uranium from the African mining area that produced the Hiroshima bomb, an investigation has revealed.
I suppose Lamont would dispatch to Africa another tea-drinking diplomat relative of Valerie's.

Country Club Democrats, Fighting for You. Inspires a lot of confidence, doesn't it.

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