Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Nazi Mad

Dennis Byrne on using embyronic stem cells for research:

And this correspondent made it into the Chicago Tribune letters to the editor: "Is it better to waste a resource by unceremoniously tossing it into a black plastic bag to thaw and decay, or use that resource to better understand the complexity of the human body?"

Would they listen to themselves?

Does standard English now require us to refer to human life as a "resource?" Would they excuse Josef Mengele, the Nazi mad doctor who conducted horrific experiments on "useless" Jews and other concentration camp "discards" for saying: "Isn't it better to use a few Jews as a resource? They're going to die in the ovens anyway."

Yes, this is a fair comparison. I have thought this for some time. The proponents of this research are like the Nazis, the bland face of evil that can rationalize anything.

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