Saturday, September 23, 2006

Clinton Cracks Up

Our good time boy President Bill Clinton's don't-you-just-love-me facade has cracked wide open in an interview with FoxNews Sunday's Chris Wallace. The interview will be broadcast in full this Sunday, on Fox Chicago at 9 am, also on FoxNews cable at 5 pm central. Headlined on Drudge. Short clip on YouTube.

And in case you missed it, the clips from the Path to 9/11 Clinton didn't want us to see.

Bet Hillary throws a few more lamps at him.

UPDATE: Clinton says Bush had 8 months to do something and didn't. Clinton had 8 years. And here's this reminder of another leader's prescience, whose advice Clinton should have taken. (No surprises that he didn't.) Andrew Roberts, Telegraph, RCP:
Simply because a victorious exit strategy is not immediately evident in Iraq or Afghanistan today does not invalidate either conflict, as so many defeatists and Left-liberal political commentators argue so vociferously. Tony Blair's leadership in the war against al-Qa'eda, the Ba'athists and the Taliban has been nothing short of Churchillian. Far from being George W. Bush's poodle, Blair was advocating the overthrow of Saddam in his Chicago speech of April 1999, 21 months before Bush came to power.
Here's the speech.

UPDATE: And here's someone else Clinton should have listened to. Laurie Mylroie, Clinton's advisor on Iraq during his 1992 campaign, says Iraq probably trained both sets of world trade center bombers. The American Spectator:
(In the 1992 presidential campaign, I was Clinton's adviser on Iraq; in later encounters with the White House, I found it strongly resistant to hearing about evidence linking Saddam to terrorism.) .....

Probably, these individuals were selected in the same way we would recruit such a group: they were chosen for their special aptitudes from a much larger pool and then given additional training -- most likely, by Iraq.

The path to 9/11 really began with the Baluch before their alliance with al Qaeda -- with the 1993 Trade Center bombing and the 1995 plane bombing plot. Only after KSM joined with bin Laden, bringing with him the skills of his group, did al Qaeda's major attacks against the U.S. begin -- starting with the 1998 embassy bombings. This would help explain how a virtually unknown organization like al Qaeda managed to bomb two U.S. embassies nearly simultaneously and then carry out the most lethal single attack in U.S. history a mere three years later.

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