Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Clueless Tribune

The Tribune has a front page story, "Elusive jet may hold clue to secret prisons". There are details about plane registrations, locations, and individuals are sought for interviews. The EU's latest Inspector Clouseau is on the case.

And in the best tradition of the NY Times, one of the Tribune's crack reporters is tracking terrorists after they have been captured.

The Tribune obviously takes pride in their level of investigative expertise and reportage. Perhaps they could do a better job than the US military in finding the terrorists in the first place.'s been Daniel Pearl of the Wall St. Journal. Pearl was attempting to retrace the steps of "shoe bomber" Richard Reid. Unfortunately he didn't survive to tell the tale. Some have posted the video of his death on the web in the interest of " the public's right to know".

But not every reporter is Jewish. Maybe another reporter in search of terrorists might have better luck. Should they by some chance be kidnapped, they might escape "unharmed" after having been given the "opportunity" to convert to Islam at gunpoint. We could read a story in the Tribune about that.

Oh.....we read about that already happening in Gaza to some Fox News reporters.

But the Tribune could have sent its reporter to Afghanistan, the source of the flight purportedly carrying terrorists, or maybe to Lebanon. There are a lot of terrorists there. He could have joined the UN observers, (just to be on the safe side), and could have watched the events play out in real time. In fact, he could have observed the UN giving the terrorists real time information on Israeli troop movements, so he could really focus in on the action. Oops a few UN observers got killed because Hezbollah was firing rockets from their base. A little too real time. A little too real.

Maybe that's why we didn't read about that in the Tribune.

What's a reporter to do for his next big scoop?

Here's some advice to the Tribune---save time---just publish the names, addresses, and phone numbers of your management and reporters and the terrorists can call you directly to exchange the latest information. Maybe it would be helpful to give them your precise GPS coordinates for future reference, in case they're in the neighborhood.

After all, it's the public's right to know.

And while you're at it, see if you can find out the codes to the nuclear football---probably child's play to your team---now that would be a real scoop.

Or maybe the Tribune could just send a reporter to Sudan---didn't Osama live there for a while? Isn't there another story there? A genocide or something? Might want to cover that. Or maybe not. Somebody might get killed, or put in prison for reporting "false news".

Imagine that.

But if worse came to worse, the Trib's reporter could eventually do a story on prison conditions in compared to those in Guantanamo.

Maybe some other reporter from some newspaper will do a story on that.....or maybe not.

They're still looking for that jet, on their European tour.

UPDATE: Oops, sorry, I should have referred to terrorists as "freedom fighters". Via RCP.

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