Friday, September 01, 2006

More on Club Gitmo

Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld addresses his over the top partisan critics again, reemphasizing his remarks. (Earlier post here.) Here's another reminder of how we differ from the Islamofascists, and of the dishonesty and fecklessness of critics of the war. Via RCP:
Then there is the case of Amnesty International, a long-respected human-rights organization, which called the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay the "gulag of our times" — a reference to the vast system of Soviet prisons and labor camps where innocent citizens were starved, tortured and murdered. The facility at Guantanamo Bay, by contrast, includes a volleyball court, basketball court, soccer field and library (the book most requested is "Harry Potter"). The food, served in accordance with Islamic diets, costs more per detainee than the average U.S. military ration.

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