Saturday, October 21, 2006

Assisting in the Triumph of Evil

Follow up on CNN acting as the Goebbels of the Islamofascists. The Strata-Sphere:

Rick Moran has a real jawdropper of a post on CNN’s determination that Americans and Terrorists are equivalent. I guess it is OK now to do the Nick Berg treatment on Muslims we round up…..
And here is Rick Moran:

In his own words, Doss makes it crystal clear that CNN views a US sniper in exactly the same context as an Iraqi sniper. Their refusal to acknowledge the difference – that one side is killing Americans and the other side is killing the enemy – is perfectly in keeping with many (not all) media outlets who refuse to make a moral judgement about which side they are on.

I reject the notion that the nature of war reporting must necessarily make a journalist neutral. For the reporter not to recognize that 1) he is being used by people who are killing his neighbors and his neighbor’s children; and 2) that there is in fact a moral difference between those who are fighting to defend the reporter’s freedoms while the other side is fighting to take them away smacks of a breathtaking myopia that one must actually work at in order to succeed in efforts to be “neutral.”

Moral myopia.

Let us recall the words of the pacifist theologian, turned supporter of WWII, Reinhold Niebuhr:

"Nazi tyranny never could have reached such proportions as to be able to place the whole of Europe under its ban, if sentimental illusions about the character of the evil which Europe was facing had not been combined with less noble motives for tolerating Nazi aggression," Niebuhr wrote. Failure to resist this tyranny, he warned, meant assisting in its triumph.....

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