Thursday, October 19, 2006

Back to Basics

From New York, we have the news of parents exercised over poor test questions in the public schools. The Times, "Brownie the Cow Has Some Parents Alleging an Unfair Test". They are so incensed they have set up a website, and I quote:
And in the case of writing tests, now that we’ve seen the 2006 model, shouldn’t we be asking the most basic questions: Can a state bureaucracy and a profit-seeking corporation really be trusted to competently tell us how well every child in the state of New York is writing? Why should we believe that could ever work?
Brownie is the cowlprit.

(Incriminating pix of cow.)

Are these 4th graders, instead of being groomed for success in life, doomed to a cow-centric cowriculum? (Fooll disclosure--I happen to like cows.) Have they been confoosed by psychobabble "Brownie Has Two Mommies", "Why Brownie is a Democrat" or perhaps the cow-pied piper?

(Can I milk this sorry tale any more? Should we moove on?)

Is this the tipping point for progressive parents?

Let's set aside the basic question of why a placid animal the size of a refrigerator would be afraid of a rooster stepping on it.

The other basic question is why are these parents so stressed out over this test?

Could it be because overall the New York public school system is as abysmal as Chicago's?

The basic answer is SCHOOL CHOICE.

And it has the virtue of being the best choice. Free yourselves with the free market!

Wake up you "progressives"! What are you, a bunch of cows?!

(Was that a rooster?)

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