Sun Times rushes to endorse Blagojevich for governor (buried on a Friday?) before any more bad news comes out. (See previous post TODAY) (Maybe they know something we don't.)
But no, they say this:
The governor said the charges against Rezko, if true, represent a personal betrayal by Rezko, and that he himself has never been involved in any unethical or illegal fund-raising. Our experience with Blagojevich prompts us to take him at his word.Amazing. Despite his administration being under a cloud of corruption investigations, the endorsement is given "because of his record of expanding health care and educational opportunity." Then they use words to describe his record like "claims" and "boasts". And this:
Some of his initiatives -- especially the I-Save-Rx program -- triggered criticism, including a report by the Illinois auditor general that found that the drug plan broke federal laws and didn't serve that many Illinoisans. But Blagojevich's leadership style has been to forge ahead and deal with the consequences later.And they discuss criticism by Democrats that he has resorted to "budget wizardry that is not what it seems and will leave the state deep in debt.
This endorsement is a barbed marvel. Ah but now we come to the crux:
Blagojevich has vowed not to raise taxes, and, given the state's needs, we think the no-tax pledge was a mistake. The governor will be hard-pressed to keep that pledge because he has promised to provide universal health care and generate an additional $10 billion for schools. One major concern is that Blagojevich is merely deferring the taxpayers' pain.Well, yeah.
The "record of expanding health care and educational opportunity", the ostensible reason for the endorsement, is.....
FAKE and an EMPTY PROMISE! Not to mention his sleazy end-run around the democratic process.
Our bogus-budget governor already has a nodding aquaintance with bad checks, uh, checks from bad guys, uh, his friends.
And of course a vote for Empty Suit Blagojevich is a vote for a tax increase, in addition to all the sneak fee increases he is responsible for.
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