Monday, October 16, 2006

Kirk Strong on the Environment

(Reader Harvey Sheldon in Glencoe sends in an analysis of Mark Kirk's record on the environment, posted here with his permission. Mr. Sheldon has been involved in environmental law for over 30 years. Now in private practice, he has served as Chief of Republican Bill Scott's Environmental Control Division, as Regional Counsel for the United States EPA (Midwest), and as adjunct professor and lecturer at Loyola University and John Marshall Law Schools.) Mr. Sheldon's guest post:

Get it Straight on the Environment!

Mark Kirk has a strong commitment to environmental protection in Illinois, the Great Lakes and throughout the world. Let’s set the record straight: As an Honorary Board Member of Republicans for Environmental Protection, he knows our natural environment matters a lot. He has actively sponsored and worked for numerous environmental laws and initiatives providing cleaner water, cleaner air, less polluting energy and open lands. NO, Mark Kirk is not a “knee jerk” environmental voter like the majority of Democrats. Mark Kirk studies and votes on the merits as he understands them.

Sen. Carl Levin (D. Mich.) (57%)
Sen. John Kerry (D. Mass.) (71%)
Sen. Hillary Clinton (D. NY) (71%)
Sen. Herb Kohl (D. Wis.) (71%)
Rep. Patrick Kennedy (D. R.I.) (33%)
Rep. Bobby Rush (D. Ill.) (58%)
Rep. Lane Evans (D. Ill.) (8%)
Rep. John Murtha (D. Penn.) (58%)

The above voting record statement is based on a review of the Scorecard on the website of the National League of Conservation Voters, regarding the most recent Congress (109th Cong, 2d Session). (LCV is an independent group.)

Don’t be fooled by the hype of his opponent’s supporters in their zeal to trash George W. Bush’s efforts or to label Kirk as a mindless toady. Don’t give up the North Shore’s tradition of thoughtful and effective Congressional representation. Mark Kirk is rightly proud to be a Republican, strong on civil rights and prudent government in the tradition of Abraham Lincoln, and an environmentalist in the best sense of the word, in the tradition of Teddy Roosevelt (the Republican President who set up the national parks system). Kirk believes in environmental protection. He believes just as (dare I mention) President Richard Nixon (who signed Clean Air, Clean Water and other major Acts into law) said:
"Clean air, clean water, open spaces-- these should once again be the birthright of every American." (1970 Message to Congress.)

(Backyard Conservative: While I do not agree with Rep. Kirk on opposing drilling in ANWR, a swamp even the caribou avoid, with the actual drilling area the size of a golf course, we all cherish the Great Lakes as one of our most important natural resources, and his record on that is stellar.)

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