Thursday, November 02, 2006

Can You Count on Dan Seals?

After being AWOL on demanding an apology from Blueblood Kerry to our troops in the field and all veterans, where is Dan Seals? He ducks a debate (oh, I guess he was in Chicago), makes common cause with liberal imports from Chicago slamming the Coast Guard, and appears to be hiding out (maybe at home, which is outside the district), presumably ducking other questions about the FEC investigation of illegal fundraising for his campaign by Chicago and Evanston-based Dem operatives. (Note--again outside the district.) The Wilmette blog asks a few questions.

And then there's his noticable absence at the rally for Israel last summer at such a critical time after they were attacked by Hezbollah. Hezbollah is supplied and funded by Iran, a state which has openly called for the destruction of Israel and is seeking nuclear weapons.

When it counts, can you count on Dan Seals?

WE know where Seals stands. He is a liberal and a peacenik.

VOTE Mark KIRK for the 10th district.

UPDATE: Liberal Nutroots candidate Seals featured on John Kerry website.

UPDATE: From the Wilmette blog:
IL-10 Congressional Candidate Dan Seals recently changed his website to calling for Redeployment from Iraq rather than withdrawal from Iraq, and I figured maybe he had learned that the Naval Station at Great Lakes is in the Heart of the District from which he seeks to be elected.
Publia notes Seals has yet to comment on Kerry's nasty slur on our troops. More illuminating commentary there.

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