The Wilmette Plan Commission voted down the proposed development, as presently constituted, on the old Kohl site on Green Bay Rd. The developer wants to build 33 condos, 4 stories, plus a separate bank building and vows to appeal to the Village Board, set for Jan. 9th. Wilmette Life:
Commissioners last week had differences with parking supply of the proposed development and several other issues, but said the key reason for negative votes on the project at 165 Green Bay Road was too much height too close to homes west of the project.A handful of neighbors complained last week, and at an earlier session, about its mass and 51-foot presence looming over their homes.
The development would be directly adjacent to their homes, separated only by a narrow alley.
And should this go through, precedent would be set for the entire Green Bay corridor in Wilmette, already imperiled by the height of the development at the old Ford dealership, also pending with the Village Board.
I am not opposed to development per se, but in an older, historic community, constrained by the limits of our infrastructure and services, I am more worried about overdevelopment. This would choke our streets and also put a burden on our schools.
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