Friday, December 15, 2006

Obama Phenomena

Don't have time to read it all through yet. Here are today's links:

Draft Obama campaign ad already out.

Obama hits the hometown press: Sun Times, and here and here. (Is he already pulling the heartstrings in an unseemly manner, Obama amplifies on the victim theme?) Tribune. Trib also has a poll you can take.

The Dowd-Obama dustup, via Rush. A bit harsh, but Obama comes off as oversensitive and a bit arrogant.

Real Clear Politics has lots of links. Peggy Noonan, what does he believe in?, LA Times says he's ready, Investor's Business Daily on the tarnished star (oops, it's already RUSTING), Christian Science Monitor. And the RCP Blog (with link to the Slate whitewash on Rezko).

The Rezko real estate deal is not Obama's only vulnerability in the business as usual in Illinois climate. There is his propensity to back corrupt and questionable hacks like the Strogers and Giannoulious. And who knows how far the Blagojevich tar will spread? It would be one thing if Obama had more experience to balance this, but he has hyped himself with his cute megabucks multi-book deal right before he took the Senate and presenting himself as RFK reincarnated lays him open to a bit of ridicule. Here's a comment from the Trib's political blog, The Swamp, after Obama's lovefest in New Hampshire:
I've noticed the main stream media has been comparing Obama to Bobby Kennedy and I do see similarities.
1.Bobby Kennedy spear-headed the civil rights act of 1964 with the help of J.F.K and L.B.J
1a.Barak took his family on vacation to Africa and showed that nation how to get tested for aids.
2.Bobby ran a crusade against organized crime and put Hoffa in prison
2a.Barak bought a lot from Tony Rezko,who soon may be in prison.
3.Bobby helped develop the strategy to blockade Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
3a.Barak may be in Cuba soon to pay respects to Fidel.
And Hillary may not want to bring up land deals but I don't imagine John Edwards will have any compunction about it. Or his wife.

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