Patti Solis Doyle, profiled in the NY Times:
A daughter of Mexican immigrants, Ms. Solis Doyle has a playful manner that masks what associates say is her brutally competitive nature. It is her wont to cackle and then exclaim “Poor little thing!” when misfortune befalls a rival (the gaffe-prone Jeanine F. Pirro, the former Westchester County district attorney, comes to mind, for example).As it turns out, that rough-and-tumble streak runs in her family. Her eldest brother, Daniel Solis, is the president of the notoriously unruly City Council in Chicago, where Ms. Solis Doyle grew up on the city’s mostly poor South Side.
And here's this testimonial from the recently-in-the-news-Rahm:
Clinton associates say that the source of Ms. Solis Doyle’s power is plain. “Patti and Hillary know and trust each other implicitly,” said Rahm Emanuel, a representative from Illinois who was Bill Clinton’s political adviser in the White House.But can we trust them? Brings back those Clinton "most ethical administration in history" memories. Do we want another Clinton in the Oval Office?
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