Friday, February 16, 2007

Always Hysterical

R. Emmett Tyrrell with the definitive word, "Global Warming is our Friend":
No one can count on dinner at an outdoor cafe until June, and it was not until mid-June that President Bill Clinton would forsake his tricky indoor recreations for his beloved golf course. Now it is rumored that the forthcoming report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change will predict that its earlier reports of global warming were exaggerated.

Thus, we might all ask why the opponents of global warming are so hysterical. Basically they are led by the same environmentalists who have been so wrong in the past, and they are always hysterical.
So take the only sensible approach and embrace global warming. What's a degree or two among friends. And throw a bucket of cold water on Al-ways hysterical Al Gore.

Previous post: Czech president: Gore Meltdown

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