Friday, February 16, 2007

Dragging us down to defeat

This rings true.

If ever there were a party that judges people by the color of their skin, not the content of their character, it is the Democrats. And this--- " multi-generational grief and trauma, and cultural and ethnic self-hate." They can't get over themselves. Jeffrey Lord, The American Spectator, cites numerous examples and concludes:
While it is understandably pushed under the rug at all those Jefferson-Jackson Day dinners, not to mention seemingly ignored altogether at party gatherings, the hard, inescapable fact of life for Democrats is that the Party's "childhood" or formative years was brutally traumatized by the support of slavery. Just as an individual child could be traumatized for life by growing up in a home where a pattern of alcoholism or drug addiction later created an adult incapable of maintaining healthy relationships, one looks at the seemingly instinctive if not unconscious reactions by Democrats -- almost any Democrat -- to any issue involving race and sees a very distinctive pattern.

They are stuck on race.
Impaired judgement. Moral myopia.
Because of this cumulative trauma, the party of race followed its support for subjugating millions of black Americans to slavery with support for a hundred years of segregation. After abandoning millions of people of color in their struggle against Communism, it now seeks to do the same as Iraqis struggle against Islamic fascists.
They hate America. And they would drag us all down to defeat with them.

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