Sunday, March 04, 2007

Romney Scores Big

Governor Mitt Romney delivered a powerful speech and a strong conservative message at CPAC Friday. He introduced his wife up front, a very savvy move for the family-values crowd, and went on to line up conservatives issues and knock them out of the park. Romney got his biggest applause when he linked Sen. John McCain with two flaming liberals---especially on his commitment to roll back the McCain-Feingold travesty on campaign finance, which muzzles free speech. And Romney pledged to hold the line on taxes and spending.

Good roundup at the RCP Blog. Powerline with highlighted clips here and more comments here.

My Man Mitt has video from participants at CPAC on why they support Mitt.

Romney handily won the straw poll. Giuliani came in next and McCain, after scoring second to George Allen at last year's CPAC, sank to 5th, coming in behind Sam Brownback and Newt.

Previous posts: Romney Gathers Support, Life Issues, Romney Runs

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