And this final bit is really ridiculous:
For his optimism about the future, Obama has been dubbed the “black Ronald Reagan”. He frequently challenges the black community to support two-parent families and encourage school students, instead of criticising them for “acting white”.We are to believe Obama is to the hard left of Hillary on the war, but really a JFK bear any burden kind of guy overall on foreign policy (no inconsistency there) and that he's to the right on social issues?!!! Fine. Nice talk the centrist talk, but Obama is a huge liberal on his votes, in Illinois and Washington. And he's never managed anything other than his own campaign so he has no track record of governance. Where he's had the chance to support what even begins to approach reform candidates in his own Dem machine backyard here, he's declined to stick his neck out. Not to mention his milking the corrupt contributions cow for all its worth. Has Obama ever seen a tax he doesn't like? No Reagan mantra there.
So pardon me for a little skepticism. Pardon me for thinking this centrist happy talk is a little cynical. And I'll only even start to begin to give a glimmer of consideration to the Reaganesque moniker when Obama comes out for across the board tax cuts, school choice, any restrictions at all on abortion (despite his paying lipservice to religion. No changed view due to the recent Supreme Court ruling) and refers to Iran, Syria and their terrorist friends Hamas and Hezbollah as an evil Islamo-fascist empire (rather than expressing sympathy for terrorists and then lying about it.) And then actually walks the walk on this stuff. (No piglets launching overhead yet.)
A RINO defection is no indication of Obama's "appeal to conservatives". Only the "New Yorker" could think that. (Yes, the perfect magazine illustrative of Obama, highflown, prosing on in a gauzy, self-absorbed literary haze, freighted with Deep Significance. The author's mandatory Comparisons to Lincoln, (prefaced by admiring remarks by a U of C professor who defended Bill Clinton's behavior in the Oval Office):
Obama has staked his candidacy on union—on bringing together two halves of America that are profoundly divided, and by associating himself with Lincoln—and he knows what both of those things mean. He calls America’s founding a “grand compromise”: compromise, for him, is not an eroding of principle for the sake of getting something done but a principle in itself—the certainty of uncertainty, the fundament of union.?! How precious, but what does it mean?) ( Scroll down if you want a New Yorker snotty description of people from the Midwest waiting to see Obama. Maybe a few stray RINOs in there.) He's not a conservative, he's a status-quo liberal Dem, clinging to the failed big-government policies of the past. And when he thinks he needs to be, he's a deal-maker. He's a liberal in love with the sound of his own voice who doesn't stick his neck out for his principles.
RINOs are not conservatives, they're the last vestige of country club Republicanism, vintage Nelson Rockefeller and a bit of Bush père. (Good riddance to their patronizing tax collectors for the welfare state mentality.) Conservatives will support Obama when pigs fly.
And as far as herding some politically simple-minded RINOs to the Dems, there are some DINOs, at least on the issue of the war on terror, who know the world is no country club.
Previous posts: O'Bama Roundup, Obama Ethics Slip
UPDATE: Sweet, also here. A flex-fuel car for the campaign? Put-put.
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