Friday, June 29, 2007

Al Qaida Fails Sexual Politics

One of the ways tribal loyalty in the Middle East is cemented is through marriage within the tribe, which figures in Ayaan Hirsi Ali's narrative, and why it is so remarkable that her tribe eventually released her from her arranged marriage before it took place. It probably had more to do with the fact that she was in the Netherlands and protected somewhat under their law. And her own strong spirit.

This marrying within the tribe also is a detriment to integrating into Western society, as immigrants reach back home for relatives as marriage partners for their sons and daughters. (Another caveat on relying on chain migration to the US, rather than skills.)

Interesting background on Al Qaida's version of the struggle for hearts and minds. Apparently Al Qaida tried to force marriage in Iraq to the daughters of Sunni tribal leaders and it backfired. The surge is stepping in with a new strategy that is having some success. From Austin Bay:
Dr. David Kilcullen serves as General David Petraeus’ chief adviser on counter-insurgency warfare. A former Australian infantry officer thoroughly versed in the cultural and historical contexts that that shape people’s perceptions and influence their opinions, Kilcullen assesses the cultural implications of Coalition “words and deeds” (political and military operations). He’s a genuine soldier-scholar. [snip]

And there came at a time that Al Qaeda fell out with the tribes. And that’s the reason for what we are seeing in Al Anbar and other places in the country. And it boiled down to a conflict over women, as so many of these things do.

So Al Qaida fails sexual politics. Guess they couldn't wait for those virgins in heaven.

Previous post: It's Universal

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