Friday, June 29, 2007

Sanction Iran

The IHT on proposed sanctions on Iran, led by Rep. Mark Kirk (R-IL) 10th:
Iran has defied a demand by the United Nations Security Council to suspend uranium enrichment activities, and the Council is debating whether to impose tougher sanctions. Iran contends that its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes.

"Iran's dependence on imported gasoline has been a focus of international debate over future sanctions," according to the Eurasia Group, a political risk consultant. "Rationing will reduce Iran's vulnerability, and Iran's leadership explicitly mentioned this goal in commenting on the measure," it said.

Saeed Leylaz, an economist and political analyst in Tehran, said, "The high gasoline consumption has made Iran very vulnerable, and this is a security decision now."

"We are importing gasoline from 16 different countries," he said. "The country would be on the verge of collapse if they suddenly decide not to sell us gasoline. The government has to find a way to lower the consumption."

In Washington on Thursday, leaders of a bipartisan House panel, led by Representative Mark Steven Kirk, Republican of Illinois, and Representative Robert Andrews, Democrat of New Jersey, proposed legislation intended to punish any company that provides Iran with gasoline or helps it import gasoline after Dec. 31. Such a company could lose its access to American customers through sanctions.
Good. Go for it. If if works, great. If not, we'll have done our best. I doubt this will give oilpot dictator Hugo Chavez pause (last seen in Moscow probably courting nukes for himself), with a possible ban on Citgo here, but who knows. HT Bill Baar.

Related posts: Energy 101, Tehran's Tentacles

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