Monday, June 11, 2007

Crazy for Thompson?

Is Fred Thompson the latest craze, the Republican Obama? All things to all people? George Will:
One does not want to be unfair to Thompson, who may have hidden depths. But ask yourself this: If he did not look like a basset hound who had just read a sad story—say, "Old Yeller"—and if he did not talk like central casting's idea of the god Sincerity, would anyone think he ought to be entrusted with the nation's nuclear arsenal? He is an actor, and, as a Hollywood axiom says, the key to acting is sincerity—if you can fake that, you've got it made.
I don't know about this, I am willing to cut Thompson some slack since he seems solidly conservative for the most part, but Will does point out Thompson still supports McCain-Feingold, which is a very bad idea.

Previous post: Fred Thompson Introduced, Old dog for the hard road

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