Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Obama's Quiet Riot

Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) plays the race card bigtime citing a "quiet riot" among blacks after Katrina. Breitbart:
Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama said Tuesday that the Bush administration has done nothing to defuse a "quiet riot" among blacks that threatens to erupt just as riots in Los Angeles did 15 years ago.

The first-term Illinois senator said that with black people from New Orleans and the Gulf Coast still displaced 20 months after Hurricane Katrina, frustration and resentments are building explosively as they did before the 1992 riots.

"This administration was colorblind in its incompetence," Obama said at a conference of black clergy, "but the poverty and the hopelessness was there long before the hurricane.

Ah yes, in Louisiana, in New Orleans, the corrupt potentate dominated by Democrats for generations. It should be a paradise on earth with Democrats in charge. But no. It's all Bush's fault. Obama willfully obscures the fact that poor whites were hit disproportionately harder than poor blacks by Katrina, even in New Orleans itself. Apparently only poor blacks count in the campaign stakes for Obama. And why is New Orleans uniquely a place of rank despair, alone in the country? Thankfully most residents have left and not come back, finding jobs and hope elsewhere.

Obama whips up the crowd in the manner of another Louisiana great---Governor Huey Long. Hot on Hillary's heels in one poll, Barack stoops low.

Previous posts: Just So Special, Rezko an Issue for Obama

UPDATE: He's still our Senator, but despite having yet to prove himself as the freshman Senator from Illinois I might add, has more important things to do. Carol Marin on Obama,
"Out of touch with Illinois?": 'I apologize, guys, but I really have not followed closely what's been happening in Springfield, I had a little bit of other stuff to do,'' the senator said with a smile.

As Obama walked away, reporters called out questions about his now-indicted friend and fund-raiser, Antoin ''Tony'' Rezko. And about Cook County Board President Todd Stroger, someone Obama endorsed, who is currently up to his eyeballs in problems. Obama, still moving, either didn't hear or chose not to answer.

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