Friday, July 06, 2007

Dim Reason

The Dims at Illinois "Reason" ignore the rampant MSM media bias to the Left---why do you think FoxNews is so popular---it filled a huge market niche seeking fair and balanced news. The "Unfairness" Doctrine would essentially be a rigid quota system for ideas, censored by the Feds, and would in reality totally cut off debate. What radio station could exist if they had to foist on their listeners an endless parade of Kuciniches and LaRouchies, not to mention Jesse the rent-a-Bloviator and Barack and the Flying Yogics.

And in the era of the permanent campaign we might not even have time for unofficial candidates, so the Goracle would be miffed not just at Paris Hilton for hogging air time. (Is that where you Gore acolytes got your "Reason" misnomer, from his latest assault on our intelligence?) Tho I think Gore would look better on radio, he would put listeners to sleep with that slow drone of his.

Admit it, you Dims are just mad Air America was such a bust. Al Franken hasn't been funny for years and his Senate campaign is going nowhere. Even the Leftist stooge NPR (that we taxpayers are forced to subsidize) has to admit it. You want to force him back on radio networks that actually have listeners. Come back and talk to us maybe when NPR is fair and balanced. I won't hold my breath.

Give it up Dims. This is a free country (at least until Big Sister Hillary gets in) and we don't have to listen to you or anyone else if we don't want to.

Note my friend John Ruberry's excellent riposte in the comments of their unreasonable rant.

UPDATE: Here's Tom's response, over at Roger's Park Bench "Rob Nescavil Wants His Mommy"

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