Monday, July 09, 2007

Girls Raping Girls

Gangs of girls raping young girls--in high schools, in middle schools. This story on video is out of Memphis, but Illinois Review mentions a suburban Chicago high school where this kind of rape has occurred.

Experts on the Memphis video want the public to be aware of this horrible predatory behavior, as children assaulted tend to become predators themselves, unless they receive help.

Where's the outcry from the feminists on this? Found something from Our Bodies, Ourselves:
The experiences of women who are sexually assaulted by other women are not widely enough known or discussed. This silence makes it harder for those of us who are sexually assaulted by women to get appropriate health care and support. Service providers, media, educators, and assault survivors can help end this silence by talking more openly about this abuse.
Nothing from NOW.

I was offended the other day by the exploitation of children, just showing their faces, in the Skinny schoolteacher for Hillary video. These kind of reports--of girls as young as 10 being raped by other girls--is shocking, and more widespread than you could imagine.

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